About Appian Way Press

The Appian Way Press is a new venture. An experiment. An outlet to publish useful resources with a focus on exegesis and teaching that might not otherwise be published.

Initial Appian Way Press publications will focus on lexical, grammatical, and syntactical approaches to the Pastoral Epistles. Our publications include:


Rick Brannan evaluates the vocabulary of the First Timothy in light of the New Testament, the Septuagint (LXX), the Apostolic Fathers, the works of Philo, the works of Josephus, the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, and other material. Many commentaries and other works of exegesis mention material from these sources to provide background information or examples of word usage, duly noting references to such works in footnotes or endnotes. Brannan’s work, however, provides full quotations (in translation) of the relevant references. Instead of relegating these citations to footnotes that are seldom if ever looked up, the cited text itself is reproduced for the reader to evaluate.

Rick Brannan’s Lexical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles: First Timothy may be purchased through Amazon. Resellers can order through CreateSpace.

Second Timothy Notes - Cover (200px thumb)

This look at the grammar and syntax of Second Timothy uses a unique combination of a block outline of the Greek text with an English interlinear to expose the letter’s structure. Discussion uses traditional grammatical and syntactic terminology as well as newer terminology from the realm of discourse grammar to support the reader in exegesis and teaching of Second Timothy.

Rick Brannan’s Second Timothy: Notes on Grammar, Syntax, and Structure may be purchased through Amazon. Resellers can order through CreateSpace.

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